Dum dum dum honey what have you done Dum dum dum it's the sound of my gun Dum dum dum honey what have you done Dum dum dum it's the sound it's the sound
Janie got a gun Janie got a gun Her whole world's come undone From lookin' straight at the sun What did her daddy do What did he a put you through
They say when Janie was arrested They found him underneath the train But man he had it comin' Now that Janie's got a gun She ain't never gonna be the same
Janie got a gun Janie got a gun Her dog day's just begun Now everybody is on the run Tell me now it's untrue What did her daddy do
He jacked the little bitty baby The man has got to be insane... yeah They say the spell that he was under The lightnin' and the thunder Knew that someone had to stop the pain
Run away run away from the pain Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Run away run away from the pain Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Run away run away run run away... wooh
Janie got a gun Janie's got a gun Her dog day's just begun Now everybody is on the run What did her daddy do It's Janie's last I.O.U.
She had to take him down easy And put a bullet in his brain She said 'cause nobody believes me The man was such a sleaze He ain't never gonna be the same
Run away run away from the pain Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Run away run away from the pain Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Run away run away run run away
Janie's got a gun Janie got a gun Janie's got a gun
Ennyien vagyunk
Induls: 2005-08-31
Napi zenetek
A pink menn bell amelyiknl lttok kt nyilat a szveg eltt s utn az uj dolog,vagy frissitve van:-)
Pink menn bell,a turn videoat megcsinltam nzztek meg!!!
Uj hr van fenn.
Catacombs cm film(melyben Pink is szerepel)idn kerl a mozikba.
Pinknek oktberben uj albuma lesz.
v videoja(Nzzd meg,engem kirzott a hideg tle:-p)
Megkrek minden ms Pinkes oldal szerkesztjt,hogy tlem ne lopjon vagy azt jelezze a vendgknyvbe/chatbe.Ksznm
A chatet visszalltottam,mg nem irklnak a nevemben!!